How it works

Unforgettable moments made easy, trusted by +100.000 mothers!

never forget

Every month we remind you to print your best moments


Simply select your photos, order and you’re done


Premium prints and photo books with a 5 star service

Our Plans

Free shipping
Pause anytime
iOS & Android

Photo Prints

Choose between 10 or 20 photo prints per month
4 Different Formats
XL, Medium, Square, Photo Strip
High Color Density
Not your average print
Sturdy Envelop
Secure & Durable
4 Photo Packs
With different formats
starting from



Pocket Photo Book

Print 1 pocket photo book
each month
Soft Cover
with silk matte finish
10 x 10 cm
4”x 4”
Silk Matte Finish
On the highest quality possible
Including 18 Lay Flat Pages
Max 80 pages with an extra fee



Our Products

Give a gift

Surprise someone with a klikkie subscription,
a photo book or a beautiful giftbox.
See our gift options

Order a Photo book

Do you prefer the compact pocket book, the stylish large photo book, or the spacious XL photo book?
Follow the link below to find out!
More info
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